Thursday, 5 May 2011

International woman of Gaia

The internet is a trully wonderful thing that means we can all join hands across the see and be friends with forein people who we might otherwise think of as weired and funny looking. . Why, I was only looking at my bolg stats the other day and was marvelling at how international I am but really that dioesnt matter becasue were all humane together. It would be nice if we could all join hands and colour the map below in green crayon together. tell your friends./ Hugs. Im off to KFC now fior a bargain bucket. I think KFC is international too. Does anyone want my colelsaw? The editr. xxx

Hear is a poem that somes up how international I am. 

International Woman of Gaia
by Helene Smithee

I am a citizen of the world

not a man of one country
but I am your sister, a mother
a lover of life's rainforest essence
the breath of the world
as the internet is its brain
I am the clouds, the air,
the lapping waves of the sea
a monkey in a tree
and I will not be bound
by lines on a map
like the furrows on a brow
or rivulets on an emerald isle hillock
no, I am a human, a child of Gaia
I share your blood as our hearts
in time like the wolverine
being sexed by her mate
to the beat of the waves
of the sea at full moon
you cannot contain me
I am pixie spirited volcano
I am dancing on a star
in a galaxy infinite
ever expanding,
not hitting up against
a wall
I am liberated, free,
not dominated by the folly
and trophy heads of conquerers
I am the earth, self replenishing
pure, not raped by cartographers
and warmongers making piecemeal
of our orb of life,
with their phallic guns and quills
rapists and pillagers
who frighten villagers
of this global community
I am at one with the hill top goat herder;
the slack titted Amazon mother smoking
and sharing her peyote
with passing travellers
as she practises her age old midwifery
in a bush
I am she and she I
howling at and crying for the moon
and she two was cocktail stick stabbed
by possessive men
their arrival the ultimate

premature ejaculate
and where are we now?
I will not be contained
my allegiance is to all
who are free spirits
the vixen, the damselfly,
the ape and the squid
we are family
and I've got all my sisters with me
be they brown, black, blue or green
we are one under the godess,
not the governors
what we need is a great big melting pot
and let love be our passports
let harmony be our national anthem
for we are one.
I've come.

Copyright Helene Smithee 2010

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