Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Halloween - a poem by helene Smithee

Purple dolphins
purple pictures

Let us away from mauve oneness and dabble in the apple blobbing recklesness that is the velveteen black and gothik purple of the anual festival of zombys and death that is halloween. 

Soon, it will be the whitching hour and we will be consorting with satan but only for a bit of fun. Kids will be learning knife skills hollowing out pumkins and suchalike. back in my day we only had turnups and it was a right effort to cut little faeces in them and sometimes we'd cut ourselves but it was fine because we didnt have comedy blood back then so it was all good for the effect. 

Some Christian people say 'NO HALOWEEN IS THE OCCULT YOU MUST NOT DO IT WEEJEE BOARDS ARE DANGEROUS' but i think all things in moderation its only a bit of fun.n Also, being an indigo child of the univers i know that we dont become ghouls when we die we go back into the celestial light -its the the water cycle but with light and our skellingtons just feed worms but we are not they - they are resudue of the physical world, not who we really are. 

here is a fun poem about Halloween. 


The melancholy pale maiden,

bloodless face of moon, translucent 
like a haunted ghost 
is she mestruating; 
does she even exist?
She cries sad, 

silver, glittery tears
glimpsing down onto the spooky, dark wood
atmospheric, swirling 

mist like gossamer 
envelopes the forrest 
like a hypnotic dancer
casting her spell 
on mesmerized menfolk
catches in drops 
in the webs of the deadly 

black widow bitterly waiting 
her lover and prey
a twig snaps!
and vampiric bats terrify, 
flitting their tanglous wings 

flapping fear into your silken, fair hair
a fox, a red gash, dashes out 
hurtling after wide eyed rabbit 
disturbed by the madness 
of mixamotosis 
bounces in the glint 

of his bulging dead eyes

a clock chimes: 
bong! bong! bong! bong! bong!Bong!
Bong! Bong! bong! bong! Bong! bong!

The midnight hour,
a time for witching, watching
the cauldron pots of spells cast
and disinterred corpses that dance
there dance macabre stealing souls
with their hard boiled egg zombie eyes
of those who have only half died
these evil doers will knock on your door
steel you away
and eat out your heart
this is no trick or treat; no time to be weak
keep you cricifix near to stave off your fear
and pray for the asylum of sunlight to come soon.
Werewolf Angel
angel pictures
while in the distance you hear 
the blood curdling howl 
of the she wolf,
 as she is mated with the werewolf possessed and 
watched by the goat head
of the lord of all eveil.
Jesus, please help us.
The end.
  Copyright helene Smithee 2012

i have added the audio in the future 2019 see it down there.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

She Whale

I have been inspired by a fabulous video that i have witnessed that captures some intimate swimming monets of some beautiful humpback whales. 

I will post the video at the bottom of the page for you to enjoy and hopefully it will inspire you to write a poem about whales or some other sea creature of your choice, like the doklpins that are the angles of the sea. Though i think that whales must have some hevenly roll under there too, they are so peaceful and big like God's blue sky. Most of the wordls is under water, not just the mistical city of Atlantis that some of our forebaears came from (we know who we are as we have a special job to do on the earth) and it is no mistake that some of the universes most special creatures live under the sea. Octopuses even can open jars. This is surely proof that there is a great plan that we dont yet understand (well some of us do but its a secret until the time) octopuses have been on the earth for much longer than jars yet they know how to open jars. Think about it. I have gone off the point but my imagination just sparks off like a dominoe toppling record attempt with lighter fuel dribbled on each domino when i think of such wondrouesness of the netural world. And so it is with this in mind that i share this new poem. hot off the press. 

She Whale

Magnificent, majestic, giants of the deep
Some of you look gnarled; gherkins with eyes
bobbing and jostling through greeny fluid
innocent and pure as newborns in utero
Big barnacled elephants; dinosaurs of the sea
Yet you glide, o’er the tides
serene submarines of flesh and blubber
fat synchronised swimming ballet dancers,
slowly rotating like joyful lava lamp blobs
underwater fantasia hippos in the nude
but not rude,
it is as it should be, for thee.

Once your bones were confined in corsets and bras
That they too would tame the blubbery ebb
Of female forms in Victorian times
when women were Evil Eves
Hidden, covered and confined by man’s hatred
of his lustful undercurrents
his uncontrollable urges and surges
blamed on the splendour of the feminine flow.
Beautiful She Whale now we’re unkindly compared
unto you if we deign to be too fat, too languid,
too wide of breech, too much...
in a man’s world that beaches our dreams.

And so to the sea,
where they harpooned you to your bloody grave
though thine spirit left the earth, our planet,
from free sea swimming
unto the heavens; now you are stars,
not bras
your huge corpses were commodity, like women today.
your being: melted and sliced, sold every which way
made into soap that could never unstink
the vile ways of men
and into phallic like candles – man made light
From the body of one that swam,
naked under the watch of our milky true moon
at one with the clocks and seasons of schools of whales
and the secret sea
of she.

Here is the video that inspired. me

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Stop the Fighting by E-Fluent

WWe are living in a troubled world. It is all antsy and iratible like the 

pea under the princesses mattress or the grit of sand in the oyster and 

lo, out of this mailstorm of hurt and tyranny, you E-Fluent, my muse 

and protege has written this great poem

He is wise beyond his ears that one. It also has a rousing chorus so I

hope that one day we will see croweds of football fans chanting it on 

the terraces as they exchange pies and smiles and release doves and 

helium ballons (but not those chinese lanterns becasue they kill owls 

and frighten sheep) and we can be one in this world. We just need 

hope and the optimism of youth like young E-Fluent has here. This is
poem of great hope. I am very proud as I have taught him well. 
i am at 

last a sage. I dont know whats happened here its a right jumble but

 maybe that is meant to be a meteor for the chaos of war. 

Stop the fighting 

Stop the fighting stop the war

Ask yourselves what are we fighting for

Put your guns down live in peace

Stop the fighting make it cease

Stop the fighting for every kid
Hate and hunger - lets get rid
Stop the fighting, put down your blades

 Stop the theiving and the ram raids

Help you neighbours lets be kind

Help deaf people and help the blind

Stop the fighting what is it for

Make it happen don't close your door

Use a pen and not a sword

Turn a cheek like our good lord

Stop the fighting lets see it gone

Can't solve problems with a loaded gun

Stop the fighting stop the pain

Make sunshine not the bullets rain

Stop the fighting we'll be as one
Each a good daugther or a son
Come together stop the fight
Come on lets make this world right
Let's fix the world that we have broke
And hold hands while we share a coke
a cola (not the drug).

  Stop the fighting and all the crying

Too many people are hurt and dying

Stope the fighting love one another

Sister father Mum and brother

Grandads nanas aunties and neices

Stop us blowing the world to pieces
Cousins stepchildren and nephews
Don't let them light the dynamite fuse

Stop the fighting lets write a story
About a time of hope and glory
When everyone said "Yeah, count me in!"

If we pull together we can win
Stop the fighting stop all hurt
Come on everyone - lets make this work!

Peace to everyone!

Copyright E-Fluent 2009