Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Halloween - a poem by helene Smithee

Purple dolphins
purple pictures

Let us away from mauve oneness and dabble in the apple blobbing recklesness that is the velveteen black and gothik purple of the anual festival of zombys and death that is halloween. 

Soon, it will be the whitching hour and we will be consorting with satan but only for a bit of fun. Kids will be learning knife skills hollowing out pumkins and suchalike. back in my day we only had turnups and it was a right effort to cut little faeces in them and sometimes we'd cut ourselves but it was fine because we didnt have comedy blood back then so it was all good for the effect. 

Some Christian people say 'NO HALOWEEN IS THE OCCULT YOU MUST NOT DO IT WEEJEE BOARDS ARE DANGEROUS' but i think all things in moderation its only a bit of fun.n Also, being an indigo child of the univers i know that we dont become ghouls when we die we go back into the celestial light -its the the water cycle but with light and our skellingtons just feed worms but we are not they - they are resudue of the physical world, not who we really are. 

here is a fun poem about Halloween. 


The melancholy pale maiden,

bloodless face of moon, translucent 
like a haunted ghost 
is she mestruating; 
does she even exist?
She cries sad, 

silver, glittery tears
glimpsing down onto the spooky, dark wood
atmospheric, swirling 

mist like gossamer 
envelopes the forrest 
like a hypnotic dancer
casting her spell 
on mesmerized menfolk
catches in drops 
in the webs of the deadly 

black widow bitterly waiting 
her lover and prey
a twig snaps!
and vampiric bats terrify, 
flitting their tanglous wings 

flapping fear into your silken, fair hair
a fox, a red gash, dashes out 
hurtling after wide eyed rabbit 
disturbed by the madness 
of mixamotosis 
bounces in the glint 

of his bulging dead eyes

a clock chimes: 
bong! bong! bong! bong! bong!Bong!
Bong! Bong! bong! bong! Bong! bong!

The midnight hour,
a time for witching, watching
the cauldron pots of spells cast
and disinterred corpses that dance
there dance macabre stealing souls
with their hard boiled egg zombie eyes
of those who have only half died
these evil doers will knock on your door
steel you away
and eat out your heart
this is no trick or treat; no time to be weak
keep you cricifix near to stave off your fear
and pray for the asylum of sunlight to come soon.
Werewolf Angel
angel pictures
while in the distance you hear 
the blood curdling howl 
of the she wolf,
 as she is mated with the werewolf possessed and 
watched by the goat head
of the lord of all eveil.
Jesus, please help us.
The end.
  Copyright helene Smithee 2012

i have added the audio in the future 2019 see it down there.