sorry I havnt written for a while but i have been camping out at the local anti 5G camp. As you will be aware the 5 gee gees of the apocalpse are circling and we are in dire straits like mark Noppler.
As you know i pride myself on being an inspirationl teacher and sage so it would be remit of me to not write an uplifting poem for the difficlut coronavirus times that we are living in. i also make top memes:
so without further ado hgere is my poem. i will give it a title when i have finished, im doing it spontaneously like autimatic writing and might channel John Lennon and prince.
Together In It
we are staying home for love
alone sometimes like a fish in a glove
discompbobulated, the world is being de-populated
Nanas are having to learn about tech,
Grandads are saying "oh heck! this is a pain in the neck, I am sick of i-pads and taking all these tablets,
I hate Big Pharma,
but I love Nana
and hope this bug wont harm her.
Grandad's an old charmer.
Lets make him run upstairs dressed as a spiderman for charity.
Familes do zoom singalongs like they are Von Traps
the NHS locksmiths are getting weekly claps
everyone is making sourdough bread
why is this?
I cant get flour.
some people want to go out
they dont beleive the hoax and they are having a shout
its a fucking liberty
fucking with our liberty
tra la la bibbety bibbety
i'm a bit bore dnow
this is our time to stand tall
doing PE on youtube
making PPE with old yogurt pots and glue
(ask me how)
we are a daily mosaic
of internet mistakes
"Ha ha ha - he skyped the news in his pants"
we exclam and. "look at all those books!"
clever people everywhere with opinions and nostrils
If only everyone had some cabaret lounge curtains
but we didnt know this was coming!
or did we?
jolly people cooking chips in their flat
randomers making a celebrity squares echoey orchestra
singing a song along.
Where is Barrack Obama?
But one day when this is all over
we will bein the clover in the sunlit hinterlands
brass bands, children doing hand stands, happy nans
banging pans, no stay at home bans and home made flans,
we'll all have sun tans, and smiley happy faces like we're in an advert for bran (based cereals)
and we will say "What just happened?"
And i will reply.
It was the rapture my children.
but that will just be a joke because I'm mad me.