Monday, 29 June 2020


my new smash hit lyrics below
Buy the Full Digital Album



Aerosols of PLague, flying through the air
Aerosols of plague landing in your hair
Aerosols of plague, who knows where they land
Aerosols of plague, make sure you wash your hands

RAP: Don't ask me to wear a mask
Unless you want to hear about my asthma attacks
Bill Gates is not your mate
he wants to round you up and vaccinate
And fill you with apps from windows 10
he wants to update you again and again
He's in cahoots with Big Pharma
And he plays mahjong with Obama (allegedly)

Song: Aerosols of plague spreading with 5G
Aerosols of plague in your sweta, your poo your wee,
I've had to postpone my urine therapy
I've written a tweet to Q-Anon
Begging please Q help me.


from Aerosols of Plague, track released June 29, 2020
i did everything HA HA HA HA HA!