Wednesday, 22 June 2011

After the Solstice

Here in merrie old Englande we have just celebrated the summer soltice which is a very significant time for spiriteful people such as myself and pagans or hippys as they are commonly known as in towns where people who work in ofices, like battry hens, don't understand them and have never seen a proper oak tree just those thin things that councils grow. Midd summer solstice is a special festival for people who believe in love and oneness as i do) and like tie dyed robes [as i do ) and medicinal herbs and scented candles that can cleanse your aura holistically though they are not as cheap as a glade plug in.

The summer soltice is very meaningful to passionate light worker such as I. It is the mid summer celebration of the longest day of the year. Many people visit the medival monumoment that is stone henge (see picture below) which was designed in the middle ages as a nocturnal colandar for ancient Iron age people to sacrifice preists and worship the daylight especially on the most impotant day, midsummer. (not to be confused with Midsummer murders - sorry about that).
This video montage is very good though i recomend that you watch it fullt though ive gone of the point on a tangent like Ronnie corbett in a golf jumper doing a moanalong in a big chair.

So mid summers day has now past meaningfully behind us into history and we are now moving twoards the autumn equinoxe and then winter when people who are light sensitive like me get a bit depressed so it is sad but necessary rolling on of time and tides and the seasons of the wonderful world that we all live on like germs on a pinhead. Soon it will be cold and dark and we shall go wassailing.

Blessed Summer Solstice

So, in celebration of the just past solstice i have written the following poem for your to share with your worldly tribe and I hope it will inspite you to be a better person than you were before this momentous moment of the year.

After the Solstice by helene Smithee

Lay lady laylines you have lain your languid love on me
like Bob Dylans words, blowing in the wind
or in a big brass bed divining preistly majik of the skies
we have awoken, early, to the dawning of the longest day
to worship at an alter the suns highest high
when we return imp like to the green gardens of mother earth
frolicking in this season of fatness and fruit
playing 'Greensleeves' on a flute
or twanging at a mandarin like Sting
we will sing and chant
we will dance,
naked in the mid summer moonlight 
like milkmaids on wash day 
our robes a drying in the hedgerows
and our breasts bouncing about like berries
without the purpleness.
We celebrate the rotunda of the earth
like Alan Wicca joining hands in a basket chair from the 1970s
we swing and tell stories as our ancestors did before and before and before
round and round and round and round
it is dizzying so, bedazzling light of summers bounty
and we shall sow our seed and pray to the heavens
for all fertile things to leaven
in the cycle of life that never ends
The powerful sun is at its zenith
listening to REMs 'Whats the freaquency Kenneth" (only joking!!!!!!!!!)
this is the climax of all that was spring
a day for stonge henge to wear some bling
and spiritual souls where e'er ye be

wicca pictures

UPDAT: 19th June 2015. 
Since i wrote this blog i have become a musician and a song writer and so have profduced a song / spoken word piece version of this poem to celebreate the solstic. it is now availabale on my bondcamp. Here is the video.

Monday, 13 June 2011

Happy 54th Birthday Doreen!

We are all friends in the world especilly now we have the internet to cast wide and far through the ocean of toxic sludge and plastic bottles that is cyberspa=ce. But sometimes amongst the old discarded rubber tyres and the stench of sewage you will catch in yoour trawl a shell with a beatiful opallescent shiny creamy bedazzling  rainbow embossed pearl in it, or a pebble that glissens like a diamond in the warm hot sunshine even though you can still tell it was just an old bit of a Jack Daniels bottle thrown over board by a salty old letcherous drunk man, who looks like father Christmas after his wife has left him, out fishing in Miami. Or, you may find a bottle with a massage in it saying 'hello! i am on the other side of the world and i would like to be your fiend' and so your write back and fall in love with Sting from the police who dropped the bottle off a bridge in newcastle then he marries you and you have five houses and tantric sex and he dumps his wife because she is a slag and every day he marinades you with songs played on his mandarin and it is truly beaty. That is what the realm of possibilities behold in this new age of cyber space. And so, it is with that in mind, I am wishing the freind of a facebook friend, who I have never met, a happy Birthday. And I have written a beautiful heartflat poem to calibrate this auspisciou s day for Doreen who is a Goddess of the sea.

Doreen, Goddess of the Sea it is your Birthdee!

Doreen, Doreen, Doreen, Doreen,
I'm begging of you please don't take my man,
but I know you will not take my mister sister 
because you are a Goddess,
a serene wise woman of the wondrous womanly sea of the world,
We are sisters, our permanent waves controlled by the mother moons
tugging and ebbeing of the timely tides
and so to today,
It is your great day,
Hooray, as they say, 
You are blessed with friends who are kind and lovely
and even though they are a little bit mad,
they are sharring there love 
across the big oceans
chattering to people on facebook like missionaries
Like ministers of the church - like Jesus was in fisheries,
when really they should be doing there tax returns,
but they spurn those tax returns so that they can learn
to love all the people of the world, on facebook
and so we are here to join in with that cheer, have a beer, 
and a bun, and fun, we shun
The tax system with its patriachal slaverry.
For we are women, nay goddesses,
and we're tired of tidying messes
and we are the world, and the sea
We are free to be
as angles and dolpins wondering sprites full of glee
drinking nice cups of tea
with honey like a bee
laughing so much at life with our sisters that we do a bit of wee
are wishing you happy birthdee
Goddess of the sea.

Copyright helene Smithee. 2011
(I will have to Sue you if you steal this work)

Here is a lovely Birthday video and a song that I found on youtub. Love and Hugs from the Editr.
I am now declaring a birthday poem competition open. Write your poems here or on facebook. Love and wondrousnessness to you all.