Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Christmas for all (reducks) by Helene Smithee

Well, im sorry to my woefull fans and guru worshippers that i have been so lackadasisical with the popular blogging. I hope you have not been limp ,depressed waifs like wilting lettuce in the absess of my heartfelt, life afframing wisdom but I have not been here to Cher my great, wondrous, awe invecting words and for that oh children ones I am humanel;y sorry.

 For  i have been on a mauve oneness retreat, touching myself with the knowledge of the angles of the lavendar Goddess temple in Totness (I didnt see the monster though) venturing into the indogo zone of self examination and rebirth and like the Hamish I have not been using technollogy, buttons or hairdressers ( though I didnt use them anyway because they are boring failed travel agenst - ";where are you going on holiday they say'" - " it is non of there busyness where I go on my urine drinking detox." I reply angrgily but still serene in the universe.) for mine aims are pure and i don't want to get bran cancer from electricity and bad negative energie vibes and hatspeech that i have encunterd on the social networking forhems.

But lo! What is that light from yonder star? It is a flicker of inspiration,,,a divine celesteal glowing of joyous winter soklstice -  hope in the darkness for soon we embark on our return ticket into the light, like blinking fleas emerging from the weave of a matted dog and on unto springh. FANFARE: !!


Here is a poem that I posted on my facebook fanzine page last Christmas, and before that on myspace, but it is still relephant now because Chrstmas is always the same every year.

A Christmas For All 
The mass of Christ, 
the man child; God's sun
innocent baby, placed in a manger 
in swaddling in Bethlehem.
here the winter soltice; the shortest day
of our European winter
we bring in the green leaves
of mother earth our goddess
now cowed by the coldness of winter
and the dessert of ice
she has lost all but the hardiest 
of her evergreen tresses
but lo, a light, any light
a star, afar, 
or a fireplace in a welcoming hearth
brings hope to our cold, lonely travellers
Come in ye, whether ye be Kings or shepherds
the Christ child or a Big issue seller,
It is Christmas, there's no time to be afraid
Welcome in the warmth of love
into thine hearts, your hearths
there is room in our inn for you
thou will not be left without; we can share
and so like the inn keepers of old
who ushered in the virgin
and the carpeneter
into that cave of cows and beasts of burden
where the message of the angel Gabriel came true,
not the fantasy of an adulterous whore
trying any means to avoid being stoned,
no, that promise was met
and into the world we welcomed Christs joy,
Gold, Frankinscience and myrrh were given,
and we give gifts to each other,
for we know not what we do,
share and share alike, a light tells us it is so,
happiness this Christmas 
and the brightness filling of the world,
that is the gift, the gift of Christmas
we feast and rejoice - we are full of it
Eskimos hold hands with red Indians
and play ring- o-ring -roses
on Christmas cards and so it shall be,
we feed the world; do they know it's Christmas?
those poor waifs who do not know how to read
or play in festive snow,
twinkling in the Dickensian moonlight, 
or even how to operate a PS3?
For this is Christamas, 
war is over and what have you done?
Hark the bells and the pipes of peace,
English and germans play football together,
par ap a pap pum for the boy child,
We are all walking in the air,
but some of us are looking at the stars,
a star, in the east. 
Happy Christmas everyone.
and love to you all.

Copyright  Helene Smithee 2009

Here is a picture of some cup cakes I have orded for my party. They look yumyy don't they?!
 I lik lots of cream i am glad the cup cake cooker hasnt been mingy with the cream. my mouth is sal;ivation just looking at them. Mmmmmmmmmm.

Happy Holedays everyone. Hugs.xxxx


  1. You mean after all this time, u tell me it's "not the fantasy of an adulterous whore"? Damn.

    I awlays love KloE Kardashyun: "This is my favorite time of year because there’s nothing I love more than buying gifts for the people I love. I literally start brainstorming months in advance what I’m going to get for everyone and then I go on a hunt to find those things. I take it very seriously LOL." She so stylish:


  2. Kardashian sounds like a profit for our time she must be a wise woman like the wise women of old but she must probly be carful against the h8ters or she will be burnt as a which (metaphysiclly not in the real life i'm being poetic as usual). thanks for cometting Jon. Higs and festive joy.. The Editr. xxx
