Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Halloween POem - AUDIO!!! Ima record star!

i have posted this Halloween masterpeice before but just laetley I have empkloyed a sound engineer so that i can put my importent voice
down to posteritity for future gernerations to listen to and lean from. 

i am have paid Terry the sound engineer £600 a day witch sounds like a lot of mulah if you dont know anything about the arts but you have to pay for quality as you with here when you listen to my latest opic.

TERRY IS A VETERAN OF THE MSUIC SEEN and tells me he been in lots of bands including Hawkwind

and Manchestre band Fall

[fall guy Mark Smith]

aswell as         The Three Dungarees

(IKnow - who knew?!) hes very talented and versatile as you will here whe you listen to my gothic masterpeice, SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO HERE IT IS! 


The melancholy pale maiden, 
bloodless face of moon, translucent 
like a haunted ghost 
is she mestruating; 
does she even exist? 
She cries sad, 
silver, glittery tears 
glimpsing down onto the spooky, dark wood 
atmospheric, swirling 
mist like gossamer 
envelopes the forrest 
like a hypnotic dancer 
casting her spell 
on mesmerized menfolk 
catches in drops 
in the webs of the deadly 
black widow bitterly waiting 
her lover and prey 
a twig snaps! 
and vampiric bats terrify, 
flitting their tanglous wings 
flapping fear into your silken, fair hair 
a fox, a red gash, dashes out 
hurtling after wide eyed rabbit 
disturbed by the madness 
of mixamotosis 
bounces in the glint 
of his bulging dead eyes 
a clock chimes: 
bong! bong! bong! bong! bong!Bong! 
Bong! Bong! bong! bong! Bong! bong! 
The midnight hour, 
a time for witching, watching 
the cauldron pots of spells cast 
and disinterred corpses that dance 
there dance macabre stealing souls 
with their hard boiled egg zombie eyes 
of those who have only half died 
these evil doers will knock on your door 
steel you away 
and eat out your heart 
this is no trick or treat; no time to be weak 
keep you cricifix near to stave off your fear 
and pray for the asylum of sunlight to come soon. 
while in the distance you hear the blood curdling howl 
of the she wolf, as she is mated with the werewolf possessed and watched by the goat head 
of the lord of all eveil. 
Jesus, please help us. 

The end.


released October 30, 2019 
poet Helene Butterfnut Squash Smithee             


  1. OOOOOO helloJon, i didnt see you there you spooky devil! i hope i didnt terrify you too much. happy bonfire night too. LETS BURN CATHLICS!

  2. Or Rhys Moog :
