This is a marvellous poem by a woman whos name Im not sure of because its all in foreign on the video but someone has kindly translated the poem words which is good. Im sure you will agree that the lady in the orange top is very wise and I would never have thought of accesorising with a bunch of fruit on my head but i will from now on.
But look, there is another one about single motherhood.I also like the way she has accesorised the blue scarf on her head. See, you don't have to be an ugly old thing to be a feminist. This is a very powerful message I am sure you will agree. And if you dont agree why dont you just go and get a tit job and marry a footballer and see how long that lasts. Then you'll regret shunning the sisterhood. But dont worry we will be here for you when you get back with your tale between your legs and your divirce settlement in your Louis Vitton and we wont judge because we are not like that. That is the message in the poem. And you dont have to be a rich WAG to look nice.
when my breasts poured honey i had to see the doctor. i like this lady..she carries grapes on her head to have for lunch later...and she carries her dusting cloth on her head for her house chores once she is done running her mouth. she is pretty spry for someone who has quartz in her womb!